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Make a will

Make a will to ensure that your wishes are followed after your death, reducing stress and worry for loved ones.

You can be in control of how your assets are distributed and maximise tax saving opportunities whilst making sure your partner and children are provided for. Our expert wills and probate team can help you with this.

Couples can make wills that mirror their intentions with regards to their assets. For extended families, with step-children and step-grandchildren, making a will can potentially reduce disputes over division of assets. Guardians can be appointed to look after minor children should anything happen to you.

Making a will also gives you the opportunity to specify your preferences for your funeral, organ donation and medical intervention.

Your will should be updated if you marry, divorce, separate, have more children or grandchildren, or if your personal or financial situation has changed in any other way.

Our specialist wills and probate solicitors in Lichfield, Sutton Coldfield and Cannock listen to your wishes, address your concerns and advise on your options, before drafting your will.

Based in Staffordshire and West Midlands, we can also act as professional executors to your will, reducing the burden on your loved ones and giving you peace of mind that everything will be properly taken care of, when the time comes.

Free storage of your will

We currently offer free storage of wills and registration with the UK’s first online registry and the national wills database, ensuring that your loved ones can easily locate your will.

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