

Wills & probate myth 4 – I have to go to a solicitors’ office to make my will.

10th September 2013

Marie Tisdale of Ansons Solicitors wills and probate team in Lichfield, Staffordshire, explains: “This is not true”.

If you are physically unable to get into the office, we will come out to see you at home.

Ansons solicitors offer home visits to clients who are unable to get into the office if they are elderly or disabled. It is important to us that our clients know that we will visit them at home if they are unable to reach us. We don’t charge extra for our time when making a home visit, but we will charge our petrol costs.

However, our two offices are generally accessible for most of our clients. Our Lichfield office is in the town centre and you can park close by. At our Cannock office you can park right outside our office for free and we have a lift to our offices on the first floor which are wheelchair accessible

For further, please contact Marie Tisdale in the wills and probate team, on 01543 267981 or email Ansons Solicitors has offices in Cannock and Lichfield, Staffordshire.