

What happens to Chancel Repair Liability on 13th October 2013?

28th June 2012

An obligation to repair the chancel of a church does not have to be specifically mentioned in the deeds to your property to be enforceable. However this is changing.

A chancel repair liability is an ancient right for the Church Authorities to demand payment from specific landowners for the repair of the chancel of a church. In the majority of cases the liability arises in relation to pre-reformation churches which could be some distance from the land affected. Records are often non-existent or incomplete making it extremely difficult to determine whether the land carries a chancel repair liability.

From 13th October 2013 the obligation to repair will not automatically bind purchasers of property unless the liability is specifically registered with the deeds. Unfortunately this does not affect existing property owners who will continue to be bound until they sell.       

Ansons LLP Property team regularly advises on the impact of Chancel Repair Liability. For more information contact  Neil Faunch on 01543 267191 or  email Neil on