Our company and commercial law team have extended a warm welcome to solicitor Jason Alcock, renowned for his moves on stage as well as in litigation.
During the day, Jason puts on his suit and tie to provide legal advice to companies, businesses, and individuals on litigation and employment law. However, at night, Jason can be found playing bass guitar at music venues around Birmingham, Staffordshire and the West Midlands.
Jason joins Ansons with over 10 years’ experience and an excellent reputation for success in resolving workplace problems, disputes over contracts of employment, and commercial litigation.
Jason helps negotiate settlement agreements and provides legal advice and representation at employment tribunals and court hearings. His work includes applications for injunctions and assisting in compensation claims.
Martin de Ridder, head of litigation at Ansons, comments:
‘We are delighted to welcome Jason to the Ansons corporate team. Having seen Jason in action, we are confident that he will be a real asset and provide the top-quality legal advice and representation that Ansons is already famed for.’
Jason will also be involved in delivering Ansons On Call, our fixed fee employment law package designed to give employers complete peace of mind about fulfilling their employment law obligations and managing HR Issues. The scheme, provides you with unlimited advice line direct to a dedicated employment lawyer, a review of employment contracts, annual staff handbook and policy updates and quarterly meetings.
To find out more about Ansons On Call, or to discuss any employment law or litigation matter, contact Jason Alcock on 01543 267196 or email jalcock@ansons.law.
The contents of this article are for the purposes of general awareness only. They do not purport to constitute legal or professional advice. The law may have changed since this article was published. Readers should not act on the basis of the information included and should take appropriate professional advice upon their own particular circumstances.