If you, or your spouse, are a company director and you are on the brink of a divorce, you may naturally be concerned about protecting your business assets.
Divorce law expert, Susan Davies of Ansons Solicitors family team in Cannock Staffordshire helps you solve the many dilemmas you may face about your divorce and the future of the business, your assets and the effect of any prenuptial agreement.
The spouse who is a salaried employee of a company may have employment law claims if they are removed unlawfully from their position. Be very careful in seeking to remove the other spouse from their post as you could potentially open yourself up to an expensive employment law tribunal claim.
If they are removed as the company secretary or a director, you will have to follow the procedure stated in your company’s Articles of Association and notify Companies House of their removal from that post.
For further advice, please contact Susan Davies in the family team, on 01543 431996 or email sdavies@ansonsllp.com. Ansons Solicitors has offices in Cannock and Lichfield, Staffordshire.