In the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) dominated climate it pays to stay ahead. Our IT systems and infrastructure enable ‘agile working’ and so we expect the impact on our services to be minimal.
Ansons recognises that everyone is in a continuous state of flux as we all adapt and evolve with the latest updates and guidance from both Government and Public Health England.
It is fair to say that the situation is regularly changing but one thing remains constant, Ansons is here to help you.
Ansons For You
Our Private Client, Residential Conveyancing and Family departments are all continuing to operate effectively during the current crisis.
For those of you who have instructed us to help you move house, prepare a will or a lasting power of attorney or have ongoing family matters our people are available to take your calls and deal with your matters as usual. Whilst we would prefer remote or outside meetings we can, in essential circumstances, conduct face to face meetings and would require face masks to be worn.
For those of you who are wondering where you can go to get the legal help that you need at this time, the answer is here. We remain open for business but in some cases we may need your help and understanding to enable us to help you. Together we can make it happen!
Ansons For Your Business
Many businesses will be faced with an uncertain future or at the very least will need to deal with some difficult situations. Ansons can help with all of your business needs from:
The current economic climate may present particular challenges.
We are receiving all of these questions and more on a daily basis and helping businesses navigate their way though the current crisis as best they can.
Ansons full Health and Safety Risk Assessment can be viewed HERE.
If you would like to contact someone to discuss your personal or business needs then we’ll be pleased to hear from you. Visit our website at or email us at to identify the right person for you to speak to.