

Wills & probate myth 14 – “I have a lasting power of attorney document. My attorneys can do what they like to help me.”

14th January 2014

Marie Tisdale of Ansons Solicitors wills and probate team in Lichfield, Staffordshire, explains: “This is not true. ”

The LPA sets out some of the duties the attorneys have and they must follow the principles in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Your attorneys must act in your best interests at all times and they must help you to make your own decisions and not presume that you lack capacity to make decisions. If your attorneys do not do act appropriately their actions can be challenged and reported to the Office of the Public Guardian who will investigate. This protects the person making the LPA by ensuring that their attorneys act correctly on their behalf.

For further, please contact Marie Tisdale in the wills and probate team, on 01543 267981 or email Ansons Solicitors has offices in Cannock and Lichfield, Staffordshire.